Dependable Power Systems
Reliable Power Solutions
At Fleming, we understand that dependable power is critical to almost every business. In certain industries, power problems can go beyond inconvenience, annoyance, or even expense. With power spikes, surges, brownouts and blackouts increasing in frequency with the higher demand loads being placed on the power grids, can you trust the power will be there when you need it?
The Fleming difference becomes apparent in situations that involve complex needs and challenging timetables.
Our systems are designed to automatically draw power from the batteries to supply clean power without interruption. You will never lose valuable computer data or damage sensitive electronic equipment. No matter how large or small your company, we can design and manufacture an uninterruptible power supply to fit your needs.
Fleming Electric specializes in serving those industries and owners who demand the highest level of expertise from their electrical contractor—and the highest level of performance from their electrical and communications systems… Knowledge expanded by levels of training and certifications that few electrical contractors can match. Our technicians are trained to create energy management programs to better consume and conserve energy. Contact us about getting the most dependable power system on the market.